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爱力蒙特丨石材·香侬 | 美,不止于表

   2023-06-17 94090
摘要:“靠近,再靠近一点。通透如玉的质感,与经典奢石Angle Wings Marble中蕴含的经典意象结合,让我跨越历史长河,拥有了冲破幻想与现实桎梏的独特魅力。八面八境,融万千世界。无论是单独使用,还是构筑美好生活,我将让空间创想拥有无限可能。” —— 香侬系列

  “靠近,再靠近一点。通透如玉的质感,与经典奢石Angle Wings Marble中蕴含的经典意象结合,让我跨越历史长河,拥有了冲破幻想与现实桎梏的独特魅力。八面八境,融万千世界。无论是单独使用,还是构筑美好生活,我将让空间创想拥有无限可能。”

—— 香侬系列

  "Draw near, closer still. The ethereal translucence and delicate texture, fused with the classic symbolism of Angle Wings Marble, endows me with the power to transcend history and exude a distinctive charm that breaks free from both the fetters of fantasy and reality. It encompasses all realms and embodies an infinite array of worlds, affording boundless possibilities for space imagination whether as a solitary masterpiece or as an integral component of creating a magnificent life."

——SHANNON Series


  If SHANNON were capable of speech, its narrative would explore the realms of nature, time, and design, delving particularly into the captivating moments that continue to bloom and flourish within luxurious residences.


  In the creative concept of the "Affordable Luxury" series, the designer has sought to explore the aesthetics of luxury living within a natural context. Through this exploration, SHANNON has been infused not only with an artistic flair that resonates deeply within the human psyche, but also a natural opulence that manifests itself in myriad ways and imbues life with a plethora of unique and intriguing facets.


  With just one glance, it is immediately apparent that SHANNON is truly exceptional and incomparable.





  With meticulous strokes and fine-grained delineation, SHANNON's textured effects are akin to the oil paintings of the Impressionists, teeming with vitality and the beauty of rhythm. As they twist and turn, they evoke the exquisite moments when angels briefly alight upon this mortal world.





  Through painstaking effort and innumerable rounds of experimentation and testing, SHANNON has achieved a dazzling opulence that is both natural and comfortable to the touch. With each intersection of color and texture, it radiates with a bewitching radiance.





  As the designer has stated, "A space that undergoes self-transformation and expresses our inner selves has the ability to influence the rhythms and quality of our lives through the choice of color."


  To this end, Element has captured the beauty of colors found within nature and infused them with a subtle healing energy, carefully blending the 4 main colors of SHANNON: Sea Shell, White Smoke, Kakhi, and Slate Gray. These alluring "four colors" unlock a multitude of imaginative possibilities for home design.


  Luxury is a part of real life.


  With its exceptional design, Element aims to bring forth products that inspire individuals to create their own unique and elevated "utopia" in this world.
