In the context of an increasingly drastic and fermented consumption upgrade, how should we prepare us for the ongoing changes? And how should we embrace the upcoming new era?
在第37届中国(佛山)陶瓷博览会举办期间,爱力蒙特作为中国建陶行业内首个设计驱动型品牌(BDD)的践行者,以全新展厅TREND HUB为纽带,借由每一处空间的元素表达,向每一位到访的合作伙伴、经销商、设计师、观众传递出爱力蒙特“以人为中心”的设计观、产品观。
Amid the 37th Cerambath, Element, the first to celebrate Brand Driven by Design(BDD) in China's building material and ceramic sector, conveyed its people-centric design and product concept to all partners, retailers, designers and visitors using spatial component expression connected with Trend Hub, its brand-new showroom.
Advancing Product &Technology amid Iteration Driven by Design
Design is the most important part of Element.
Throughout china's ceramic industry, Element is credited as the first company that applies design thinking to driving the growth of a brand.
One of what inspired the brand design innovation is Element team's 20-year research on high-end European ceramic products. It's the thorough apprehension of the products that brings Element's product line to the market.
As the feature product of summer 2022, ARCHVIEW sustains the distinctive chromatic esthetics of Element. A design thinking of renascence and innovative techniques enable more gloss-softened and tactility-friendly velvet finish blended with upscale New Nordic colors. The modern vibrant color palette created thereof is more of a celebration of trendsetting classics that empowers the renascence possibility in spatial design. Progression and bodacious innovations in design as proven by Element is clearly shown to honor the modern age.
本次陶博会,爱力蒙特除了缤纷见筑系列上新外,意大利高端岩板ARIOSTEA也首次在TREND HUB登场,其奢华设计与艺术观赏性同样收获了大家的一致好评。
Apart from the new arrival of AECHVIEW, ARISTEA—a high-end Italian sintered stone whose luxury design and artistry impress all visitors, also made its debut at Trend Hub amid Cerambath.
Faced with both opportunity and challenge created by new consumption, Element tries to advance the iteration and upgrade of "Product & Technology" to further expand the product influence of its brand.
While focusing on esthetics trend of modern times and keeping align with customer's higher demand for quality living, Element introduced WSPC, Gem Glass, and other novel materials, including the latest products found on CERSAIE in 2021 into China in the furtherance of expanding its product lineups and providing more choices for consumers to experience a cozier space.
Make Life Better In The Name of Design
In the first half of this year, Element embarked on a new journey in a progressive gesture of rejecting "lying-down". Element, as one of the initiators of CSDC, has become the spotlight across the entire industry with this new project.
7月6日上午,中国中建设计院研究院环境艺术院院长马玮玮女士、高级室内建筑师、高级工程师中国建筑装饰协会材料应用分会副会长、中国室内装饰协会设计委副秘书长韩居峰先生、中国建筑装饰协会材料应用分会秘书长梁宏瑀女士、国促会制造与建筑专业委会长、智造联盟董事长金亚范女士一行莅临爱力蒙特TREND HUB进行参观交流,共同探讨新时代下人与空间、空间与元素、空间与设计、设计与生活的关联,同时,就如何推动中、新两国设计师交流活动提出了宝贵的建议。希望,以中新设计交流为平台,未来有更多的设计师在追光的道路上,找到光、成为光、散发光。
On the morning of July 6, Ms. Maweiwei(President of the Academy of Environmental arts of China Construction Engineering Design & Research Institute), Mr. Han Jufeng, (senior interior architect and senior engineer, vice president of the material application branch of China Building Decoration Association and Deputy Secretary General of the Design Committee of China Interior Decoration Association), Ms. Liang Hongyu(Secretary General of the material application branch of China Architectural Decoration Association), Ms. Jin Yafan(chairman of the manufacturing and construction professional committee of China Association for Promoting International Economic & Technical Cooperation, chairman of smart manufacturing alliance), and their delegation visited the Element trend hub to discuss the relationship among people and space, elements, design, and life in the new era. They also provided valuable suggestions on how to promote the exchange activities between Chinese and Singaporean designers. CSDC is expected to empower designers in their road forward.
Forward Together with Design
Over the past five years, Element has made a leap-forward in all respects, including brand, products and stable development. Its robust growth and transformation has powered itself into a strong dark horse in ceramic industry by creating a sustainable product mix featuring both stunning design and superior quality.
In 5 years to come, Element will continue to work on its dual engine of design and technology as it looks forward to the new breakthroughs from the challenges ahead.
爱力蒙特其他相关:TREND HUB开业